What could your team learn about trust from the Cirque Du Soleil?
What could the London Fire Brigade teach your team about resilience?
The Leadership Field Trip
Immersing senior leaders in stories of high-performing teams from parallel worlds
So how does it work?
So how does it work?
Forget the post-its.
No ice-breakers here.
Our Field Trips are for leaders who want to get their teams out of their ruts, boxes and bubbles.
Together, we venture out into the real world and get inspired by the very best teams in their field.
You choose the focus area.
What stops your team from being truly high performing? We work with you to identify one key growth area. This becomes the anchor for our experience design.
Previous growth areas have included ‘trust’, ‘resilience’, ‘creative problem solving’ and ‘psychological safety’.
We design the experience.
We then design an experience, inspired by this central theme.
We create the smooth and slick experiences that your leadership team will naturally expect.
All logistics taken care of. Everything feels fluid.
Your teams learn first-hand.
Your team can focus on listening, absorbing, learning - about leadership and themselves.
Team-building is a natural outcome, as they go through and reflect on these unique experiences, together.
We're not tour guides. We lead meaningful conversations throughout, anchoring the stories we hear in the real life challenges your team is facing.
Let’s build an unforgettable experience.
Drop us a line to learn more.